We recognize that sometimes a rug may not meet your needs or simply does not fit with your décor. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can initiate a return up to 7 days from the delivery date to us for a full refund. The refund should process in 7-14 business days. Or you may return for a store credit with the total sale price right away and shipping cost for both ways.
To initiate a return for a store credit or refund, please email us at stating your reason for the return and attach images/videos of the product. Once your request is approved, we will offer a return label, but we need to charge you a shipping fee which depends on your product weight and your address.
Once we've received the returned item, we will then process your refund, excluding return shipping costs.
Please keep in mind that all returns must be unused, unwashed, and undamaged, and all packaging, labels, and tags must remain intact and be attached to the item.
Defective Item:
If you feel you have received a faulty or defective product, we want to correct the problem quickly; please contact us at before returning the item, send us some photos or a video, and we promise will give you a solution (refund or exchange).
Received the Wrong Item:
We follow careful order picking procedures to ensure every item in your order is correct, but sometimes we do make mistakes. You can choose to keep the wrong item with a partial refund or request the correct item. To request the correct item, we may offer you a free-of-charge return shipping label. After receiving your returned item, we will send you the correct item or issue a full refund.